So anyway, for now, here is a small preview with a few highlights of the trip (but doesn't even scratch the surface of the amazing things we saw).
A geysir, at the site of THE Geysir (all geysirs were named after it!). This isn't THE Geysir because it only erupts about once a day or less, so to see it erupt would be extreme luck. But it would be amazing because apparently it erupts up to 70 m in the air!
One of many beautiful cliffs along the ocean!
Brahm with some very friendly Icelandic horses! Horses, like baby lambs, were everywhere. We barely saw any cows. They eat horse there and we tried it at one hotel buffet, but it was kind of tough and probably not something we'd try again.
Oh yeah, we got engaged :)
This formation, in a super cool area full of amazing lava formations called Dimmuborgir, is called The Church because it looks like a gothic cathedral entrance!
Godafoss, one of many amazing waterfalls! We saw soooo many waterfalls, expect an entire post dedicated to them.
Dverghamrar - incredible hexagonal basalt formations! So much of this stuff was almost hard to believe it was naturally occurring!
One of MANY pictures from probably my favourite place of the whole trip - the Jokulsarlon glacial lagoon. Large icebergs break off the glacier and just float around in this lagoon, slowly melting and washing out to sea. Just so gorgeous and the coolest place I have ever been in my life.
Our trip started off a bit stressful as we woke up after our first night in Iceland to find out that the Grimsvotn volcano had erupted and our "circle the island" driving tour had us heading straight towards that area and the airport had been shut down! Our awesome travel agent (by the way, I would highly recommend using a local travel agency if booking a similar trip) rebooked all of our accommodations and turned the trip "backwards" (we looped clockwise instead of counter clockwise) but we were still a bit worried that we wouldn't be able to make it all the way around the island and get home at the end of the trip! Luckily the airport was only closed for a day and the ash dissipated and was bound to the ground by rain by the time we got into the affected area that everything worked out perfectly! We really couldn't have asked for more perfect timing, and how cool was it to be there during an actual volcanic eruption? I collected a Ziploc of ash as a souvenir :)
Anyway, that's all for now but expect many more Iceland posts in the weeks/months to come! And remember to check out Brahm's blog for the day-by-day chronological highlights.
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