For about 10 years, ages 12 to 22, I kept a private journal/diary pretty regularly. Mostly it was just teen and post-teen angst that was pretty embarrassing so last summer I had a diary-burning party with a couple of my BFFs and got rid of all the evidence of my angst. I may regret this move... but I definitely sleep easier knowing that all that written awkwardness is destroyed forever.
I did, however, keep my first journal. I got it in grade one when I was just learning to write and it ended with an entry about my most embarrassing moments in grade seven (one being that I walked in on a HIGH SCHOOL BOY who was changing in the costume room of a play I was in, OMG, he is going to tell everyone, actually, no 12 year old, he probably forgot it happened three seconds later).
In case you have ever thought, I know Robyn relatively well now but I wonder what kinds of things were important to her as a kid???? this blog post is going to change your life.
Let's take a look through a few pages of that first diary together.
You are clearly wondering, did you ever GET to jump in the leaves? Read on.
Let's skip ahead a year or two, to an exciting family vacation to West Edmonton Mall...
So... that was kind of a let-down. Excitement abounds in this next 3-page entry:
You're probably thinking, that's great, these stories are cute, but where is the depth of the Robyn I know and love today? Answer: here it is.
Next, a Christmas miracle:
Remember when I told you I was really good at drawing? Here is more proof.
And finally, before things started getting too pre-teen gossipy to share, I luckily included the plans for a great invention. Please recognize that I'm taking a huge risk by posting this idea on the internet for anyone to steal....
"Now wee are jumping in the leeves" - present tense? You were tweeting at 6.